q.beyond ibérica attends “Sommerfest”

q.beyond ibérica and WATA Factory join forces at the 'Sommerfest' in Hamburg, strengthening their technological leadership on the Iberian Peninsula through a strategic partnership.
q.beyond ibérica


Un Viaje Transformador en Hamburgo

After months of closely collaborating remotely with our colleagues in Germany, the international team at q.beyond ibérica is thrilled to be joining the “Sommerfest” in Hamburg.

During this intense three-month period, we’ve exchanged processes, work methodologies, and, most importantly, gained a profound understanding in the field of cloud technology. Despite initial challenges, the partnership between WATA Factory (a German-origin software consultancy based in Spain) and q.beyond (a prominent provider of digitization services in Germany) has been exceptional. We successfully navigated differences in work approaches, adapted to remote work, and communicated primarily in English, a non-native language, thanks to the joint effort of both teams.

This achievement sets the stage for significant growth in the upcoming periods. Everyone involved has exciting expectations for this challenging journey.

In celebration of our successful establishment as a Center of Excellence in Cloud technologies, we’re thrilled to announce our team’s participation in a series of events in Hamburg at the end of the month. These events will encompass:

  • Direct meetings with colleagues from Hamburg and Riga.
  • Exploring Hamburg by night.
  • Visits to the port and the Portuguese district with special nighttime events.
  • Guided tours of Hamburg’s data center.
  • Collaborative work sessions.
  • Culminating with a curling tournament at the q.beyond Arena, followed by a barbecue featuring abundant German wine and beer.

This experience is pivotal for strengthening collaboration and preparing for future challenges. We have precise plans for significant growth through collaboration with various local entities, highlighting talent, and establishing ourselves as industry leaders in the Iberian Peninsula.

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